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MedicJob is an intelligent matching service for Medics looking for work and medical companies requiring extra professionals to assist at events.

MedicJob was developed for EMFS Group, a company that provide event medical cover globally from huge music festivals, air shows and sport events to many other public events and corporate functions. They found assigning medic staff, often freelancers, to these events was time consuming and hard to match the appropriate skill set. The client recognised the need for a reliable and efficient solution.

We created MedicJob as a mobile app for medics to make applying for their next job a lot easier. Medics would create their profile based on their experience and event organisers would upload their jobs specifying the type of medic they required. Based on a matching algorithm, if the job was relevant to them, Medics could swipe left to decline and right to apply to the jobs available. The companies would then receive the pre verified medic profile and approve or reject their application.

The results improved:

  • Time and money saving for event organisers
  • Increased staff availability
  • Enhanced event safety & insurance of qualified medical professionals
  • Positive user feedback in supporting people find work they otherwise would not of had access to